Meetings, agendas and minutes

Welcome to Staffordshire County Council. On these pages you can find out about committee meetings and decisions that affect you.

The Cabinet system makes the major decisions about Council services and many others that you use on a day-to-day basis. The cabinet normally meets monthly. Its role is to lead in the preparation of the council's policies and budget, to lead the community planning process and the attainment of best value. The cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and ten other councillors who are chosen by the county council from the majority party, currently Conservative. Each cabinet member has an individual area of responsibility also known as their portfolio. You can find out more about the Leader and Cabinet. The Cabinet must publish a Forward Plan of Key Decisions which sets out decisions that it intends to take in the forthcoming period.

The Full Council is responsible for agreeing the County Council's budget and setting Council Tax. It also agrees the major policies that set out the County Council's overall approach to service delivery.

Councillors who are not in the Cabinet (Executive) can take part in Overview and Scrutiny. Overview and Scrutiny Committees are one of the ways that County Councillors work together to check that the people of Staffordshire are receiving the best possible services. Overview and Scrutiny Committees don't just look at services delivered by the County Council but also services provided by local partners like the NHS and the Police. Overview and Scrutiny Committees cannot make decisions or take on individual complaints, but they can explore issues in depth and make recommendations to the Council Cabinet (decision makers) and other purchasers and providers of public services. Find out more about Overview and Scrutiny Committees

Further details of the process can be found in the County Council Constitution, which sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Click here to view our webpage on the Constitution.

You can find Agendas, reports, minutes and records of formal decisions

You can also find out the membership and who are the Chairs and Vice Chairs for each committee app available
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