Issue - decisions

Final Outturn Report for 2017/18

22/06/2018 - Final Outturn Report for 2017/18


Philip Atkins


“Staffordshire taxpayers rightly expect us to spend their money wisely and well to make the greatest possible difference in communities across the county. It is also our duty to live within our means, keep a tight grip on our finances and deliver value for money, and we have therefore included this pledge in our new strategic plan, approved earlier this year.


This report shows on the face of it a positive financial picture over the past 12 months. As part of a well-run council, officers have managed budgets carefully to balance the books overall and by not spending our contingency, allow us to put money back in to our limited reserves.


However, significant financial challenges remain. Our population is ageing and growing, and more children are coming into the care system, meaning that year-on-year we are spending record amounts on social care. Inflation is also increasing our running costs”


Philip Atkins, Leader of the Council


“In the past 12 months we have utilised money from the Government’s improved Better Care Fund and the proceeds of council land and property sales to help balance the books. This is in addition to changes in the way we work over the past eight years that have reduced our running costs by £240million. We need to find a further £37million of cost reductions to balance the books next year.

So while the council is in safe financial hands, the current ways of working and the current way the council is funded need to change. We will continue lobbying the Government hard over the coming months on the need for local government funding reform. As a well-run council, we have also started our budget planning process for 2019-20 six months earlier than usual. At July’s Cabinet meeting we will be bringing a report on the work to date and to discuss the difficult steps we may need to take to balance the books next year.”


Mike Sutherland, Cabinet Member for Finance


Reasons for the Decision – To inform the Cabinet of the final financial outturn position of the county council, including delivery of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, at the end of 2017/18.


Decision – (a) That the final outturn position, which is an underspend of £0.205m on portfolio budgets with the Contingency budget remaining unspent giving a total underspend of £4.792m, be noted.


(b) That the capital financing arrangements, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report, including the capitalisation of transformational revenue expenditure, be approved.