Issue - decisions

Forward Plan

18/05/2023 - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

The Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 21 June to 18 October 2023, which detailed the following issues, was approved:


Subject Matter


Integrated Performance - Outturn Report 2022/23

Name: Rachel Spain/

Wendy Tompson

Tel: (01785) 854455/

(01785) 854267

Joint Coroners Service - Legal Framework and Financial Protocol

Name: Catherine Mann

Tel: (01785) 278320

Maintenance and Minor Works Framework

Name: Ian Turner

Tel: (01785) 277228

Volunteering for Staffordshire County Council

Name: Catherine Mann

Tel: (01785) 278320

Community Learning Ofsted Inspection and Accountability Agreement 2023-2024

Name: Anthony Baines

Tel: (01785) 895984

'Living My Best Life' - A Strategy for Disabled and Neurodivergent People in Staffordshire 2023-2028

Name: Andrew Jepps

Tel: (01785) 278557

Treasury Management Outturn Report 2022/23

Name: Rob Salmon

Tel: (01785) 276354

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 1, 2023/24

Name: Rachel Spain/

Wendy Tompson

Tel: (01785) 854455/

(01785) 854267

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24

Name: Rachel Spain/

Wendy Tompson

Tel: (01785) 854455/

(01785) 854267









Alan White

Leader of the Council