Agenda item

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 2, 2021/22


The Committee considered a joint report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources informing them of progress in achieving their Strategic and Delivery Plans for Quarter 2 2021/21 (schedule 1 to the signed minutes).


The overall assessment of the council’s performance and financial position at the end of the Quarter was AMBER which reflected the significant progress made whilst recognising that further attention was needed in order to resume a satisfactory ‘on target’ position. Challenges remained in respect of capacity and demand across all service areas and there continued to be areas of significant financial risk in the Adult Social Care and Families and Communities service areas.


The latest revenue forecast outturn position indicated a saving of £1.992m would be achieved compared to the previous forecast (at the end of Quarter 1) of £8.119.


In presenting their report, the Leader and Cabinet Member highlighted that the Authority’s focus would continue to be the on-going Covid-19 Pandemic and they referred to the various measures being implemented to keep people safe and the economy moving during this time. In addition, they spoke of the need to manage demand and capacity issues in the adult social care and children’s social services arenas, whilst maximising existing and identifying new sources of streams.


During the full and wide-ranging discussion which ensued, Members gave detailed scrutiny to the progress and performance outlined in the report, asking questions and seeking clarification where necessary, including:- (i) the total number of vacancies which had resulted from a national change in the Covid-19 immunisation status required of care workers; (ii) the increase in the numbers of Children in Care in Staffordshire which had risen since their previous meeting; (iii) instances of ‘digital exclusion’ in the County and the measures being implemented to distribute IT equipment to those groups most effected; (iv) recovery of outstanding debt owed to the Authority; (v) the financial shortfalls currently being met by vacant posts and the implications for the Council’s budgets following recruitment; (vi) outcomes relating to Care Leavers; (vii) capital receipts from the sale of assets and the Authority’s policy with regard to their County Farms Estate.   


In response to further questions from Members, the Leader undertook to write to them regarding:- (i) the percentage of adult social care assessments in Staffordshire which had resulted in refusals; (ii) a clarification of the costs referred to in Appendix 2 to the report in relation to transformation of the Families and Communities Directorate and; (iii) the target date for completion of work to power all street lights and traffic signals in the County using renewable energy.


Another Member requested that the Health and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee be given an opportunity to scrutinise the work being undertaken by the Authority to review the Care Home market in Staffordshire with a view to ensuring continuity, quality and value for money, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic (as referred to in paragraph 4 of the report).  In response to a further question from the Member, the Leader explained that a review into the Home to School Transport Temporary Vacant Seat Scheme would be completed shortly with a report on the outcome being submitted to Cabinet for consideration at their meeting in December 2001. Acknowledging a point from another Member regarding the Scheme, the Leader undertook to give consideration to the inclusion of an appropriate appeals mechanism in the revised arrangements, as necessary.


In response to requests from Members, the Leader undertook to include additional data in his Performance report for Quarter 3 2021/22 covering receipts and allocation of Covid-19 grant aid.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be received and noted.


(b) That the County Council’s performance against their Strategic and Delivery Plans be monitored closely and that a further report be brought to their meeting in March 2022.


(c) That the various undertakings given by the Leader as set out above be noted, progress against which to be reviewed at their next meeting.

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