Agenda item

Impact of Covid-19 on SCC Communities, Economy and Organisation and Recovery Progress - Update October 2021 and Way Forward


The Committee considered a report of the Leader of the Council updating them on the impact of Covid-19 on Staffordshire’s Communities, Economy and Council together with progress made towards recovery (Schedule 3 to the signed minutes).


Members noted the detailed progress made against the priorities which had previously been identified for each Directorate and Corporate Principles (ie (i) Communities; (ii) Digital; (iii) People and; (iv) Climate Change), as set out in Appendices 1-8 to the report.


They heard that work was underway to develop a new Strategic Plan covering the period 2022-26. The Plan was being informed by both the response to Covid-19 and the recovery process and it was anticipated a draft together with accompanying Financial Strategy would be submitted to Cabinet and County Council for consideration in early 2022.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be received and noted.


(b) That the Authority’s approach to leadership and influencing and monitoring the recovery process, be endorsed.

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