Agenda item

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 2 2021/22

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources



“Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic remains our focus and we continue to do what is required to control the spread of the virus and keep people safe.


COVID-19 is still very much with us and over Quarter 2 we have seen a steady increase in the number of cases. The impact that COVID-19 can have on lives and potentially on livelihoods is still very real. The vaccine has been a game changer and in Staffordshire 82% of adults have had both vaccines. Maximising vaccine uptake amongst those eligible, including booster doses and extending vaccine roll out to children aged 12 to 15, will all help to reduce the spread. As we approach autumn and then winter, we need to continue to keep people safe, keep the economy moving and reduce the pressures on our hospitals.


We still face capacity issues and challenges in adult social care but in September, we had the long-awaited announcement from Government on how this will be funded. While many people will welcome the cap of £86,000 on people’s contribution to their own care when they are elderly, the introduction of a 1.25% health and care levy on working people will be a difficult pill for many to swallow. In the short term the money will go into the NHS to clear the backlog of appointments and operations and will increase the county council’s costs. So, we need to see more detail of how these proposals will work in practice.


We will continue to support those who need us most, including the care sector and vulnerable families, children and communities. We continue to provide advice and support for businesses, as we work to get our economy back on track. We have plans in place to ensure we bounce back stronger and generate new opportunities for better jobs, improved lives, and a greener county for everyone.”.


Alan White, Leader of the Council


“Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put extra pressures on our finances, but we continue to manage them effectively and are doing what is needed and spending what is required.


We have used the extra funding and grants from Government to help support the additional pressures of continuing to provide vital services while protecting our residents. All council departments continue to deliver against their recovery priorities, whilst progressing with activities in the organisation’s Delivery Plan.


The latest revenue forecast outturn shows a forecast saving of £1.992m (0.4%). This is compared to the previous forecast of a saving of £8.119m (1.5%) at Quarter 1.


Like many local authorities, we still face financial challenges including in adult social care and in children’s social services. We have had the announcement from Government on the long-term funding of adult social care, which was good to see, but we do need to see more details of how this will work in practice.


We will continue to keep our finances in as strong a position as possible and to ensure that we provide good value for money for local tax-payers. Well managed finances also mean we can invest in our future and grow our economy post pandemic”.


Ian Parry, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources


Reasons for the Decision – To consider an overview of Staffordshire County Council’s progress, performance, and financial position in delivering against our Strategic Plan and Delivery Plan.


Decision – (a) That the report be received.


(b) That the use of up to £3.2m of the Exit and Transition Fund to support the cost of redundancies associated with the Children’s Transformation programme, be approved.

Supporting documents: