Agenda item

Staffordshire Means Back to Business


(i) Supporting Our Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Employment Sectors</AI4>




“Staffordshire is home to world-class visitor attractions that attract visitors from across the UK and beyond every year.


Our tourism, hospitality and leisure sectors contribute £1.87billion to the Staffordshire economy every year. The pandemic has hit those sectors directly with a significant knock-on effect to people and businesses across the county.


We want to build on the extensive support we’ve already delivered to Staffordshire businesses in the past year. Working through a revitalised Destination Management Partnership with other local authorities we want to reignite tourism in Staffordshire and turn up the volume on the amazing attractions that call our county home.


The recently launched Staffordshire story and brand-new approach to marketing our great county presents a further opportunity to ‘reboot’ the activities and priorities of the Destination Management Partnership and provide the impetus for us to reinforce Staffordshire’s position as the nationally valued centre of the UK.


We believe these proposals will help our visitor economy emerge from the current difficult period, take advantage of the ‘Staycation’ opportunities that lie ahead and build a better future for tourism and for the people who work within the industry in Staffordshire.”


Philip White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills


Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to enhance assistance to the Destination Management Partnership (DMP), both immediately and for the longer term, including the County Council’s own tourism team, to lead a transformation of our visitor economy and its businesses.


Decision(a) That the contents of the report, which sets out the County Council’s position to support the direction of travel of the Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership (DMP), including the suggested future offer and related proposals, be noted.


(b) That the balance of the 2021/22 MTFS investment into Economic Development and our Economy, post Covid 19, (which is £200,000), be used for enhanced support for our visitor economy.


(c) That part of the MTFS investment be used to assist the DMP in 2021/22 to develop a 3 year fixed term post to act as the champion and advocate for rebooting our Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure sector, and to cover the inhouse costs of the Digital Marketing Officer for 3 years.


(d) That the remaining investment from 2021/22, along with enhanced contributions from other local authorities, be used to deliver continuity funding to the DMP in the anticipation of reduced private sector funding, and enhanced marketing activity through the DMP to strongly promote Staffordshire as a visitor destination, aligned to the new Staffordshire Story.


(ii) Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Business Loan Fund


“The business loan fund supports small viable companies to access essential finance where they have struggled with commercial lenders.


This, like all the programmes we have launched since our Staffordshire Means Back to Business strategy began last summer, is targeted support where it is needed most. We have worked successfully with BCRS for a long time and will combine our efforts with colleagues at Stoke-on-Trent for this round of funding.


Originally set up in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, in 2021 we are focusing on overcoming the immense challenges to businesses resulting from Covid-19. The loan fund has previously enabled businesses to expand, diversify and take on new employees. It has supported companies across a range of sectors from manufacturing to professional services.


Over the next three years we will build on this success – supporting 200 business which will contribute to our economic growth and create jobs in our communities.”


Philip White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills


Reasons for the Decision – To consider proposals to build on the success and strengths of previous phases of the Staffordshire Business Loan Fund managed through Black Country Reinvestment Society (BCRS).


Decision(a) That the establishment of a new joint Staffordshire County Council / Black Country Reinvestment Society (BCRS) business loan fund as a long term debtor of £490,000 along with other contributions from BCRS (£555,224), City of Stoke-on-Trent Council (£108,710), ERDF (£736,886) and the North Staffordshire Risk Capital Fund (£109,180), to create a new revolving loan fund (RLF) of £2m, be supported.


(b) That the allocation of £490,000 of Staffordshire County Council funding, focussed on supporting rural businesses in Staffordshire, be supported.


(c) That the proposed joint operation of the fund with BCRS, that will include a 2% commission on any introduced successful rural loans to contribute towards County Council staffing costs, be supported.


(d) That authority be given to the Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Skills to authorise entering into the contract with BCRS to manage the Business Loan Fund as detailed in the report.

Supporting documents: