Agenda item

Digital Inclusion/Exclusion

Report of Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources (Schedule 2 to the signed minutes) regarding work being undertaken by the County Council to tackle digital exclusion in Staffordshire and improve access to health services.


Digital exclusion ie a continuing unequal access and capacity to use Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that were essential to fully participate in society could be broken down into the following three key barriers; (i) Connectivity (infrastructure/access to the internet; (ii) Accessibility (for all including low income homes, people with disabilities etc and; (iii) Digital Skills (being able to use computers and the internet.


Whilst the level of digital exclusion nationwide had been decreasing prior to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, it was still an issue of concern. Five cohorts of people had been identified as most likely to be excluded ie:- (i) older people; (ii) disabled people; (iii) low income households (iv) women and (v) people who had left education at an early stage. In Staffordshire, 4% of premises did not have access to superfast broadband and three Districts were identified as having a medium likelihood of digital exclusion (ie East Staffordshire, Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stafford).


Analysis of emerging national trends on the impact of Covid-19 had shown an increased use of digital across all sectors. However, whilst digital exclusion had reduced in some areas following efforts to support people at risk, the impacts on those who remained digitally excluded was likely to become more severe without action. Lack of access to affordable devices and internet packages were recognised as key issues, particularly for older people and low-income households.  


In Staffordshire, a considerable amount of work had already been undertaken to provide digital support and information for communities during lockdown to assist with them in accessing services such as health including, supplying digital equipment to vulnerable residents and families, flexible Community Learning opportunities and support to voluntary, community and social enterprises.


In addition, following various consultation and engagement initiatives, a draft 2020/21 Digital Inclusion Action Plan had been prepared by the County Council with the aim of addressing barriers to digital inclusion by:- (i) ensuring as many people as possible can connect to the internet where they live and work, especially in rural areas; (ii) enabling access to the internet, digital devices and / or digital support for everyone, in particular older people, people with disabilities, low income families and people in rural areas; (iii) helping residents to have the right skills and the confidence to use the internet and digital devices to access the support they need, especially during the social distancing restrictions in place due to Covid-19 and; (iv) Communicating as effectively as possible the benefits of using digital and the support available to those who may be excluded. In addition, engaging with residents and reviewing data to ensure the issues surrounding Covid-19 were understood an approach developed accordingly.   


During the discussion which ensued Members highlighted the need for closer scrutiny of the various initiatives included in the draft Digital Exclusion Action Plan 2020/21 to ensure that they were fully aligned with the County Council’s aims and objectives with regard to health. They also drew attention to changes announced in the Government’s Spending Review which might impact on the roll out of Broadband connectivity to those communities not currently served. The Committee recognised that connection speed and broadband width were key to ensuring digital inclusion in health and care. However, whilst both factors were not always within the County Council’s control, wider digital infrastructure requirements had been included in the Plan for co-ordination with Partners, as necessary.


Members also expressed concern about the level of intergenerational support available for residents who were not currently IT savvy. They recognised the valuable contribution that the younger generation could make in sharing skills and knowledge and looked forward to a time when schools could re-engage for the benefit of the wider community and in the interest of health promotion.


The above issues were acknowledged by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources who reassured them of his commitment to the on-going development of the Action Plan. In addition, an all Member virtual seminar would be held during the early part of 2021 in which they could contribute further having regard to their health remit. The Cabinet Member also spoke of the County Council’s participation in ‘NHS X’ which involved the trialling of mobile portals in residential care settings in order to support the digital transformation of care and reduction of social isolation.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be received and noted.


(b) That further engagement with Members of the Committee be undertaken during the development of the County Council’s Digital Exclusion Action Plan having regard to their knowledge of issues in the health arena.           

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