Agenda item

Education and Skills Strategy: A Partnership Framework for Staffordshire

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Families and Communities


Members were informed that OFSTED had judged that 84% of schools in Staffordshire were good or outstanding.  However overall outcomes for Staffordshire’s young people remained below average, particularly at Key Stage 4 and 5.  There were many examples of good practice, but too much variation between schools.  Staffordshire was in the bottom quartile for too many performance measures when compared to statistical neighbours.  Improving Education and Skills “so that more people gain the training and qualifications they need to succeed” was one of the County Council’s strategic priorities.  There was now a complex mix of relationships and accountabilities which meant that no single institution or organisation could impose or affect significant, system-wide change on its own.  The County Council championed better outcomes for children and young people but did not have the authority, responsibility, control or resources to determine those outcomes.


The partnership framework was co-produced with a reference group reflecting the range of education providers in Staffordshire.  It proposed a shared leadership approach that was evidence based, outcomes focused and underpinned by peer support and challenge.


Members noted that there were concerns about fragmented provision and a disconnect between early years, schools and colleges and gaps in transitions, particularly from primary to secondary.  The committee considered the 2018 Education Annual Report which provided detailed breakdowns of pupil attainment.  They expressed concern over the drift in performance as pupils progressed through the education system.  The inaugural meeting of the Education and Skills Strategic Group had taken place on 20 June, with three key themes of performance, inclusion and aspiration.  In wide-ranging discussion members questioned whether the Group would have an impact which would be real and measurable and encouraged it to have robust discussion with two or three action points from meetings.  They were assured that agenda would be limited to two or three items and that it would be obvious fairly quickly if the Group was effective.


Members were pleased to see that the role of parents was highlighted in the Strategy but suggested that the key role, powers and responsibility of governors in cases where schools were failing should also be recognised in it.  They were reassured that there were representatives from Governing Bodies on the Strategic Group.


The Committee queried whether there was good communication with the Regional Schools Commissioner around poorly performing academies and were informed that the authority had a good working relationship with the Commissioner, although there were concerns over the size of the geographic footprint which they operated over.


It was acknowledged that there was a need to improve careers advice and guidance and the way that sixth form provision was configured to make it fit for purpose, open and transparent for pupils.  It was agreed that more work needed to be done to ensure impartial advice was given and the right courses made available to provide pupils with an appropriate pathway into further education, apprenticeships and employment.  This would be an important workstream for the Strategic Group.  The Cabinet Member stated that OFSTED had introduced new inspection standards and it was unclear what impact this would have on educational outcomes.  There was a need for more resources and he had made a case to Cabinet for more funding for maintained schools and for SEND.  The Cabinet Member also agreed to expand on the role of business in the Strategy.    



a)    The content of the final Education and Skills Strategy: A Partnership Framework for Staffordshire be noted;

b)    The Strategy should include a paragraph on the role of governors and that open, honest and clear language be used;

c)    The 2018 Staffordshire educational attainment data used as part of the baseline of performance measures to evaluate the impact of the partnership framework be noted; and

d)    The size of the geographic footprint be raised with the Regional Schools Commissioner.

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