Agenda item

Petition re: Arts and Community Services at the Shire Hall, Stafford

Report of the Scrutiny and Support Manager


Members heard evidence from the Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Families and Communities in response to a petition with 3,068 signatures  (and 115 from people living outside of Staffordshire) requesting that Arts and Community Services were kept at the Shire Hall, Stafford.  Lisa Henderson, the petition organiser, attended to present the petitioners’ case.  Specifically the petition stated: “The Shire Hall is a central location in Stafford that enables the community to engage in the arts.  If it is shut we will lose a valuable space that provides a range of services for the local community and supports many vulnerable people.  Among many other services the building is home to:

·       an exhibition space for contemporary art;

·       a craft shop that supports British craft makers;

·       a multi-sensory room used by families with young children and people with disabilities;

·       a  calm environment that is utilised by mental health support groups;

·       the historical courtroom and holding cell both of which have been used for film and television work on major networks; and

·       artist led workshops.

We would like the review of the use of the Shire Hall building to keep the services currently available in place and to improve them.  We would like it to be a participative process that allows staff and the wider public to have their say on the future of such a valuable asset to the community.  We enclose 3,068 signatures from supporters of the Gallery and its services.”


The local member, Maureen Compton, sent in the following written submission to support the petition:

“I have spent many hours arguing to keep the Shire Hall where it is and the library before that.  The Shire Hall Gallery is a jewel in the crown of Stafford and it is in the right place to exhibit art and craft works.  I argued strongly for the library to be kept in the Shire Hall but lost the battle.  We have to keep the Shire Hall open as a beacon for the arts.  The people of Stafford will not forgive any councillor who votes to close that building.  We need to enhance the arts in Stafford not destroy it.”


The Deputy Chief Executive and Director for Families and Communities thanked Ms. Henderson for her articulate speech in support of the petition.  She informed members that the Arts Offer proposal was to deliver a community based service which would enable wider engagement and involvement.  This would be taken to Cabinet in January 2017 and a feasibility study on the future purpose and use of the Shire Hall would also be presented to Cabinet in January.

[Note by Clerk: The Arts Offer proposal has now been deferred to the Cabinet meeting on 15 February 2017]  

The provision of an Arts Service was not a statutory requirement for the County Council, and in the present challenging financial climate it was not possible to continue with the current arrangements.  However the decision to implement a new model had not yet been agreed.  As part of the proposed changes to the Arts Offer the Multi-Sensory Room would be moved to Staffordshire Place.  Statistics indicated a reduction in the number of both visitors and organised trips by school children to the Shire Hall Gallery.  The redefined Arts Service offer would involve countywide touring exhibitions which would be held in libraries, local museums,

district council offices and colleges.  The intention was that this would broaden opportunities for the community to participate in cultural activities and would have a greater impact on vulnerable people. 


A member expressed disappointment that a proper plan for the venue had not been put in place before starting to dismantle the Arts Service.  It was queried whether it would be possible to consider alternative uses for the Shire Hall whilst continuing to preserve what was currently provided there.  It was of concern that no proper costings had been put forward in relation to the proposed touring exhibitions and it was requested that a more detailed report on this be brought back to the Select Committee prior to any decision being made.  Members were informed that these details would be included in the revised Cabinet report in the New Year.  


A member pointed out that there was currently a country-wide crisis in Adult Social Care and that the authority had a statutory responsibility to provide services for people who couldn’t help themselves.  He also expressed the view that a touring Arts Service would be better for the rest of the county. 


In wide-ranging and lengthy debate a number of opposing views were voiced.  However it was agreed that the Cabinet Member should bring back more detailed pre-decision plans around the Arts and Community Service to the Prosperous Staffordshire Select Committee for consideration at their meeting on 19 January 2017.  The Chairman undertook to forward the petition to the Cabinet Member for Communities and the Environment, together with the Select Committee’s comments.



a)    a more detailed report on proposals for Staffordshire’s Arts Service be brought to the Prosperous Staffordshire Select Committee meeting on 19 January 2017; and

b)    the Chairman forward the petition and the Select Committee’s comments to the Cabinet Member for Communities and the Environment.


Supporting documents: