Agenda item

Future Operating Model for Staffordshire’s Arts Service

Joint Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Matters and the Cabinet Member for Communities and the Environment


The Cabinet Member for Communities and the Environment outlined proposals for the Future Operating Model for Staffordshire’s Arts Service, following Wolverhampton University’s decision to leave the Shire Hall Gallery.  It was proposed that the Arts Service should vacate the Shire Hall and remodel the Arts Offer to realise a net saving of £62,223.  This would enable the Arts Service to achieve their full Medium Term Financial Strategy saving of £118,000 in 2017/18.  It was also proposed that Strategic Property should investigate alternative options for how the space in the Shire Hall could be used so that it is brought back into beneficial use and generates a revenue stream for the County Council. 


The redefined Arts Offer would involve:

·       A focus on community arts provision, retaining Arts Development, Exhibitions and Community Arts officer posts to enable the service to deliver the offer.

·       The delivery of a Countywide “Pop Up” Service, utilising new and existing venues (County Council, District and Borough buildings).

·       Cessation of the delivery of an annual exhibition programme in the Shire Hall.

·       Discontinuation of the craft shop and museum.

·       Exploring the re-provision of the multi-sensory room.

·       Exploring developing the Shire Hall building as a multi-purpose space.


Members raised a number of concerns in relation to the proposed “Pop Up” events, in particular how they would be funded and resourced, and stated that they would have liked to have seen a more detailed proposal around the anticipated costs, for example to demonstrate that costs such as transport and insurance had been included.  There was also concern that if a local venue could not be found that plans to provide an event in that area may be abandoned.  Members also raised concerns at the staffing level proposed to support these events and the dependence on borough and district councils to support events and provide space at a time when they were facing difficult financial challenges themselves.


In response, members were informed that there was an exhibition budget and that the current post of Exhibition Officer for the Shire Hall would be redefined to make it Countywide.  It was acknowledged that there was a reduced level of District & Borough Arts Service provision throughout the County to support “Pop Ups”, however work would be undertaken with library staff and volunteers to ensure that exhibitions did take place. 


Of particular concern was the relocation of the Multi-Sensory Environment Room, which members felt should be in Stafford Town Centre.  It was acknowledged that this was an important and valued facility and that there was a strong commitment to its re-provision. Work was being undertaken with a number of organisations, to explore options for its relocation.


In response to questions about the future of the Shire Hall members were assured that it would remain a County Council building with a repair and maintenance budget.  In any event, it would be difficult to sell the building as it was attached to the Judge’s House.  Efforts would therefore be made to make it more attractive for letting.  There was general concern over the loss of such a high profile building in such a key location in the town centre and the impact that this would have on other local businesses.  Members sought reassurance that there had been consideration of other planned developments in the area and the impact that they may have on the future of the Shire Hall.  The Select Committee asked to see the outcome of the feasibility study on alternative use of the building which was being done by Entrust.  The Chairman commented that the Building should not be lost to Stafford or Staffordshire, and appreciated officers’ and the Cabinet Member’s reassurances on this.  Future developments would be monitored through the Work Programme.



a)    the comments of the Select Committee be fed back to the Cabinet Member for Communities and the Environment to report to Cabinet at its meeting on 21 September 2016 for them to be taken into account during their consideration of this matter;

b)    developments around the future use of the Shire Hall be monitored through the Work Programme.


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