Agenda item

Personal Health Budgets - The Local Offer across Staffordshire and Stoke CCGs

Tina Groom - Personal Health Budget Implementation Manager


Alan White, Co Chair, highlighted the Board’s role in overseeing the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which included four components and emphasised that Personal Health Budgets linked to this.


Tina Groom, Personal Health Budget Implementation Manager provided a presentation on The Local Offer. In the course of the presentation, it was highlighted that;

·         Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) had been piloted since 2012 and Staffordshire had been one of the pilot areas.

·         PHBs were beneficial to those with the most complex needs and since 2014 had to be offered.

·         The Government expected the use of PHBs to increase significantly (1-2% of local population). This equated to approximately 1200 PHBs across Staffordshire and Stoke CCGs, there were currently 35.

·         A phased approach had been suggested and the first phase from April 2016-17 extended PHBs to;

-       All adults in receipt of domiciliary care packages under Continuing Health Care (CHC).

-       Children in receipt of CHC or jointly agreed (with the LA) packages.

-       Patients in receipt of Joint Health and Social care package's that have gone through CHC but have not met the fully funded criteria.

-       Learning disability and/or Autism and challenging behaviour patients in receipt of joint health and social care packages that have gone through CHC but have not met the fully funded criteria.

-       Section 117 Mental Health packages jointly agreed with the local authority in the community.

These are all individually funded packages and do not include contracted services.

·         A business case to develop the process was being developed.

·         PHBs should help people (who are eligible) get a more personalised service from the NHS. They should not make things worse

·         You did not have to have a PHB if you did not want one.

·         PHBs enabled people to have more choice and control over the care that they received.

·         NHS and social care organisations should work in partnership with the individual and with each other.

·         Information about PHBs was being communicated through the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and by GPs.


In the discussion that followed the following points were made;

·         People’s needs were reassessed after three months and then at least yearly.

·         Andrew Donald, Accountable Officer, was responsible for the Continuing Healthcare Team.

·         There was monthly reporting on progress to the IPA Board.

·         There were several brokerage services supporting people.

·         The majority of the 35 individuals accessing PHBs had a Direct Payment. The Support Plan identified health needs and outcomes.

·         A PHB did not have to cover all needs, if for example another condition was exacerbated.

·         People became an employer, registered with HMRC and were supported in this process.

·         There was work to encourage the market to develop a third party option so that Personal Assistants could be employed through a company rather than directly by the individual.

·         Five children were currently in receipt of PHBs.

·         If money was used through PHBs to better support individuals this would have a positive effect on services.

·         The number of PHBs would need to increase to have a positive return on investment overall.

·         A customer satisfaction survey was being undertaken.

·         Healthwatch Staffordshire could assist with any engagement work required.

·         CCGs decided how the process was delivered and whether this should be delivered locally or centrally. There were opportunities to work with Social Care partners to develop the local approach.


It was Resolved that;

·         An annual report on progress to be presented to the Board.

That the Board approve the Pan Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Personal Health Budgets Local Offer and the phased approach to this as reported.


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