Agenda item

Healthy Housing

Dr. Tony Goodwin – CEO Tamworth Borough Council


Dr Antony Goodwin, Chief Executive & Executive Director Community Services, Tamworth Borough Council introduced the report highlighting the benefits of working with the county council and the innovative good practice undertaken.


Jonathan Topham, Locality Public Health Partnerships and Commissioning Lead, Staffordshire County Council referred to the report, and cited;

·         Previous discussion at the Board regarding the role of housing in health.

·         The valuable role that the District and Borough Councils had in contributing to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

·         The priority areas that had emerged from the newly formed Housing & Wellbeing Group which included;

- Improving the delivery of aids and adaptations (Including DFGs).

- A co-ordinated and consistent approach to tackling cold homes and reducing fuel poverty.

- Preventing and delaying hospital admission and supporting Hospital Discharge, including effective mechanisms for joined partnership working between support agencies (Let’s Work Together).


In the course of the discussion that followed Board Members commented that;


·         The Whole Life Standard  should be included in new building developments as this could have an impact on the whole system, by reducing delayed discharge. Although it was noted that Developers could potentially challenge the application of Design Standards due to viability.


·         The learning from the Tamworth Healthier Housing Strategy refresh was that there was more work to get the housing agenda included in commissioners agendas but there were now conversations regarding employment, mental health and housing.

·         Tamworth were now linking the Housing & Wellbeing Strategy with the Unified Neighbourhood Offer and it was noted that this approach was similar to the Building Resilient Families and Communities Programme. In that it will use data to identify those who may put demand on District/Borough Councils and stakeholders and then put in intervention to prevent a future cost burden. This was a demand management tool.

Extra Care

·         There was a discussion about the need for Extra Care facilities to be delivered at scale, it was felt that Extra Care housing could free up housing for younger families.

·         There was a need to consider how money could be used more effectively to prevent issues emerging to ensure a greater return on investment, although it was also noted that People were often unwilling to move from a large home to a flat with no garden. Bungalows were not being built but were very popular. There is a need to get people to plan for old age at a much earlier stage

·         There needed to be a common plan and clarity on the Disabled Facilities Grant. The Leaders and Chief Executives Group would be discussing DFG as one of the top ten “wicked” issues that there could be collaboration on. The Housing and Wellbeing Group was also beginning to do this, Jon & Tony agreed to link up on this.


·         There needed to be assessment of the provision of Primary Care when new developments were being considered. Extra care villages had no primary care facilities within them and sometimes lacked adequate parking for District Nurses for example. The Planning Authority should engage with the NHS. There should be consultation with CCGs and the local primary care providers.

·         There were discussions currently taking place on the co-location of primary care services.

·         The location of services linked with the work being undertaken through the Staffordshire Transformation Programme on estates.

·         The creation of a Staffordshire Planning Document would be a huge opportunity to improve how housing was delivered and configured.


It was Resolved that;

·         The Whole Life Standard, the development of retirement villages, and consultation with CCGs and local primary care providers in development planning should be included in the Chief Executive and Leaders Planning Forum agenda.

·         The Housing and Wellbeing Group be mandated to share learning and develop Healthy Housing as an approach across the county.

·         The Health and Wellbeing Board receive periodic reports from the Housing and Wellbeing Group.

·         Housing is specifically considered as a key contributor to the integration of health and social care within the Better Care Fund and as an essential element for the delivery of service transformation.

·         The Health and Wellbeing Board note that the Housing for Wellbeing Group will discuss Disabled Facilities Grant and link with the Chief Executives group.

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