Agenda item

Update on wraparound childcare process - Early Years entitlement


The Schools Forum received a report from the Director of Children and Families providing an update on the wraparound childcare process - Early Years entitlement.


The report answered a number of questions that had been raised at previous meetings.


Sufficiency of Provision


Members were informed that the market development and sufficiency teams had completed work to ensure our statutory duty to ensure sufficient childcare places continued to be met. Activities had included:


·       Detailed analysis to predict the supply and demand of childcare places, including analysis of data provided by DfE alongside local intelligence.

·       Recent detained sufficiency survey data analysed to identify areas where additional places may be required.

·       Action plans implemented to identify key needs and opportunities.

·       Monthly sufficiency meetings held to identify priorities and key areas of work.

·       Bespoke support offered to providers to support sustainability, expansion or consideration of a range of delivery models.


Capital Funding


It was noted that the criteria and process for allocation of capital funding was still to be confirmed. This information would be shared with providers when it was made available in line with DfE timescales. A more detailed report would be available in June 2024, and it was agreed that this would be brought to the July Schools Forum.


Risk to future provision - Ofsted


In response to a query highlighting the future risk to providers receiving a poor Ofsted rating, it was stated that the information had been detailed in the newly published statutory guidance. The process that Local Authorities must follow if a setting was graded as either “Requires Improvement” or “Inadequate” was clearly outlined. This would be referenced in the provider agreement which SCC would distribute to providers in March 2024. Philip Siddell noted the information in the statutory guidance, but suggested that it didn’t go far enough to explain the steps the Local Authority would need to take to cope with issues that would occur if providers were forced to close. It was confirmed that SCC would continue to support Early Years providers via the Early Years Reference Group.


Philip Siddell highlighted the disparity between the impact of an OFSTED inspection on a Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years provider and a school which provides an Early Years offer. It was agreed that Philip Siddell would talk with the Chair of the Forum to make a representation to the Department for Education through the Schools Forum, highlighting the disparity.


Funded v Free provision


It was noted that the previous report had a mix of the terms ‘Funded’ and ‘Free’ provision. It was asked that SCC ensure that all documentation referred to it as ‘Funded’ provision? In response it was highlighted that the terminology used within SCC would be ‘funded’ and not ‘free’, unless quoting directly from a Department for Education document where the term would be referenced by the source.


Steve Barr asked if SCC could publicise that funded did not mean free. It was agreed that a discussion would take place with the Early Years team to see how this could best be actioned. Philip Siddell noted that the Early Years Team at SCC had always been extremely supportive in ensuring this message was communicated correctly.


Resolved: a. that the update relating to the Accelerated Progress Plan and Strategy for Special Provision be noted.


b. that it be noted that more information relating to the criteria and process for allocation of capital funding be brought to the July Schools Forum.


c. that it be noted that the SCC Early Years Team would publicise that funded Early Years places did not mean free.


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