Agenda item

Healthy Ageing Priority Progress Update

Presented By:Tilly Flanagan


The Board received a report from the Lead Commissioner for Supportive Communities and Commissioning Manager providing an update on the Healthy Ageing priority as part of the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy.


Healthy ageing is a strategic priority for both the Staffordshire Health and Wellbeing Board and the Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Integrated Care System, driven by an ageing population and a decline in healthy life expectancy.


Over the last 12 months, a Healthy Ageing Partnership developed from two stakeholder events and involving representatives from the Council, MPFT, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the voluntary sector have led the development of a draft Healthy Ageing Plan for Staffordshire. The Plan includes four outcomes (Enjoying Independence, Feeling Connected, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle and Planning for the Future) and key performance indicators to measure progress. The data suggested that Staffordshire performed similar to the England average on several indicators and worst for hospital admissions.


The Healthy Ageing Partnership had considered which elements may benefit from partners working together to improve outcomes. The Board were asked to consider a set of priorities which had been identified to deliver the Plan’s outcomes. These were improving early diagnosis and management of dementia, community-based strength and balance exercise to prevent falls, and finance and care planning for the future. 


Next steps included the Staffordshire Healthy Ageing Partnership leading and providing oversight the delivery of the plan, whilst putting specific actions in place to achieve the outcomes. Data about healthy ageing within the new Joint Strategy Needs Assessment would be used to inform delivery of the Plan.


Baz Tameez reported Healthwatch surveys and patient feedback had found falls often had the most impact on residents and would share these findings.


Claire McIver asked whether the partnership had the membership required to deliver the strategy and the Board noted this may need strengthening in the future. South Staffordshire had directly approached the partnership to ask to be involved and it was suggested it may be beneficial to involve other district, borough and parish councils within the county to take a three-tiered approach to addressing local needs.


Garry Jones asked about falls in private residential care. Dr Richard Harling explained the County Council only has relationships with contracted care homes and through safeguarding and reported practice is variable and seeks to find a balance to avoid compromising quality of life by being overly constricting.


Chris Bird asked how the Plan would address the rate of hospitalisation for people with dementia. This had been identified in the Plan as an area where working together across the partnership on prevention and early intervention could be beneficial.   


Ian Read updated the Board on the Staffordshire Fire and Rescue’s Fall Response Service which had been operating for over 12 months providing a response to non-injury falls. The Service referred these incidents as ‘near misses’ to falls prevention services but had found provision was inconsistent across the county. 


Dave Bassett reported falls had been the fourth highest reason for calls to the West Midlands Ambulance Service in the last week and shared patient feedback from the recent Healthwatch survey regarding ambulance response times for falls.


Following the announcement that Councillor Jessel had stepped down as the Cabinet Member for Health and Care at the County Council, Councillor Mark Sutton recorded thanks to Councillor Julia Jessel for her support to the Board as the former Cabinet Member for Health and Care.


Resolved – That the Board (a) Approve the Healthy Ageing Plan; and


(b) Commit to supporting delivery of the priorities.

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