Agenda item

Good Mental Health Priority Progress Update

Presented By:Jan Cartman-Frost Karen Coker Nicola Bromage


The Board received a report on the Good Mental Health priority from the Staffordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy, along with a progress update.


The Board were reminded of the Good Mental Health in Staffordshire Strategy which was approved by the Board in December 2022, and the six main outcomes of this.


An action plan had been developed to achieve the outcomes set out in the strategy. This was co-produced by the County Council and ICB working with people affected by mental health conditions as well as frontline professionals.


The primary focus of the Strategy was adults in Staffordshire, however it was recognised that there were opportunities in people’s early lives to positively influence their future mental health and wellbeing. The strategy also referenced children and young people. It was noted that other work was ongoing as part of the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care System Children and Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan, which would be considered as part of the Health in Early Life Priority for discussion in September 2024.


Progress to achieve the strategy would be measured using a set of metrics as well as tracking completion of the actions set out in the action plan.


Councillor Jessel stressed the importance of timeliness with regards to people getting that support and access to services and questioned whether these metrics were collected and if they could be included in the monitoring of the action plan. In response, it was confirmed that the metrics are collected but the focus was on NHSE mandated actions. A number of data collections, including waiting times, were taking place however were not yet published due to them being classed as experimental, but it was hoped that this could be shared at a later date.


It was noted that the Good Mental Health action plan would feed into the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy, acting as the bedrock of the work of the overall Strategy. The metrics for the action plan would need rationalising against the metrics of the Board Strategy to ensure progress was being made. Alongside this, it was confirmed that the item would return in 12 months time to the Board for a progress update. It was requested that the future progress update include the revised metrics.


The Board also queried mental health support teams in schools, and whether the trailblazers originally set up in certain parts of the County would be implemented across the County overall. The ICB had been pursuing this and were pleased to confirm that there was over 40% coverage across the County. And two further teams had been secured for the next financial year, starting in January 2025. These would be targeted based on need. The ICB would continue to work with local authorities to best plan where these teams could be placed, and for areas that did not have this support, the Action for Children service could reach into those schools and provide additional support where required.


Councillor Jessel sought clarification on the additional trailblazer teams and the distribution throughout the County. The analysis of coverage would be shared with the Board. It was confirmed that two teams were based in North Staffordshire, two in East Staffordshire, one in Stafford and Surrounds, one in Cannock Chase, one in Lichfield, one in Tamworth. The additional team coming on board would cover South Staffordshire and more of Cannock Chase.


Resolved – that the Board (a) approve the Action Plan for the Good Mental Health Strategy 2023-28 and receive annual updated at every December Board meeting;


(b) Note the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Children and Young People’s Local Transformation Plan; and


(c) Note the wider activity across the health and care system to support good mental health.

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