Agenda item

Primary Behaviour Support Services - 2024-25 Financial Year


The Schools Forum received a report of the Director of Children and Families relating to the Primary Behaviour Support (PBS) Service for the 2022 – 2023 Financial Year.


The purpose of the report was to provide details of the current Primary Behaviour Support Service offered to Staffordshire maintained primary schools, to update on the progress that had been made on the delivery of the recommendations made in the Autumn term (2022) report and to provide further recommendations to support the continued development of the Primary Behaviour Support Service.


It was noted that schools in the Cannock Chase area often accessed the service. In response to a query regarding the differences between the level of access by districts, it was noted that there was an awareness and willingness to access the services in the Cannock area. The PBS services was looking to undertake a review of the referrals that have been made by the schools in each district to determine the root causes.


In response to a query asking how aligned is the PBS Service worked with the SEND team, it was noted that monthly governance meetings were held with the Assistant Director for Education Strategy and Improvement, and information was regularly reported to the head of SEND, to determine how the service would work together for the benefit of children with SEN and High Needs.


It was highlighted that the PBS service was only available to, and funded by, maintained schools, and as the number of maintained schools dropped, and the number of academies increased, there would be a smaller number of children accessing the service. In response to a query asking whether this would cause a risk to the future availability of the service, it was suggested that the PBS service would be viewed as part of the wider provision SCC was working toward implementing. This would start with the Enhanced Assess-Plan-Do-Review (EAPDR) pathway, and the Staffordshire Enhanced District Inclusion Support (SEDIS) Model. These services would be available to all schools regardless of whether they are Academy or Maintained. As part of the EADPR model, SCC was committing to half fund the provision that was required. This was pre-statutory support (before an EHCP), which would bolster the space before the Primary Behaviour Support Services was required.


In response to a question asking whether the metrics of the Academy users access the PBS Service were considered so a succession plan could be put in place as the number of maintained schools depletes it was confirmed that the service was accessed on a 50/50 split between Academies and Maintained schools with academies paying for the service.


In response to a question asking whether the PBS Services had the capacity to continue to provide the service, it was noted that there had been an unprecedented level of request received recently, but that the key targets had been achieved and capacity was being managed.


The report also sought agreement of continued de-delegated funding from maintained primary schools’ delegated budgets.


Forum members representing maintained mainstream Primary schools considered this request and unanimously voted in favour to de-delegate this funding for 2023-24 with 3 voting in favour, 0 against and 0 abstaining.


Resolved: a. That the continued improvements and development of the service during 2022/23, be noted.

b. That the proposals and recommendations forthe financial year 2023/24, be noted.

c. That the outcome of the maintained primary school vote on de-delegation be approved.


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