Agenda item

Integrated Performance – Performance and Finance Final Outturn Report, 2022/23

Report of the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources.


The Leader of the Council introduced the Integrated Performance and Financial Outturn Report for 2022/23 which summarised the Councils performance and financial position against the Strategic and Delivery Plans.


It was reported that there was an overspend of £11.294m, which had  reduced from £11.635m predicted at the end of quarter three.


The main issues discussed by members were:

·       Children and Families service remained an area of concern. However, it was anticipated that the recent investment in Children’s services would show a change in services within the next financial year. 

·       The number of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCP) issued had continued to rise.   The reasons for this were not clear and information on the number per district or borough was not readily available. Lockdown and its impact on young people’s mental health was believed to be partly responsible.  Educational Psychologists and key support workers had been recruited and this should ensure that children receive appropriate support and annual reviews.    The Childrens Improvement Board looked at this detail as part of the improvement plan monitoring. 

·       The warmer homes project would continue to be promoted throughout the County although it was acknowledged that some districts/boroughs had promoted it more than others.

·       The changing levels of demand for home care and care homes could not be explained at present. 

·       The recruitment and retention of care workers was being addressed through the “Social Care workforce strategy”. A copy of which would be circulated to members for information.

·       There was a discussion on the extension of the Amey contract and how this was being monitored.  It was noted that Prosperous Overview and Scrutiny Committee received regular reports updating them on the transformation programme.    The Leader reported that he had met with Amey and that providing value for money; an efficient service; and having good customer services was high on their list of priorities.   Funding challenges for category 3 highway defects and the need to address potholes in close proximity to each other was discussed.  This was being referred to as “Whole Place Repair”.  Members felt that this repair policy was not adequately communicated to all staff in all divisional teams.

·       A dedicated member of communications staff had been allocated to highways service area.

·       Household waste sites charging for DIY waste would be looked at, as there seemed to be some confusion over who and when charges were made.  This information would be forwarded to members.

·       The potential benefits and drawbacks of smaller regional highway repair contracts and capital projects was discussed.

·       The slippage of highway capital projects had been discussed with Amey.



a)   That the Integrated Performance and Financial Outturn Report be noted as the position as at the end of year 2022/23.

b)  A copy of the “Social Care workforce strategy” be circulated to members for information.

c)   Information clarifying the position with the Household waste sites charging for DIY waste would be forwarded to members when available.




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