Agenda item

Staffordshire Community Learning Service's Annual Self-Assessment Report 2021/22

Report of Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills


The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills regarding Staffordshire Community Learning Service’s Annual Self-Assessment for 2020/21 (schedule 1 to the signed minutes).


The Service provided a range of formal and informal education and training opportunities to meet the needs of learners (aged 19 years and over), the economy and wider community across Staffordshire. Their work was funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) through direct grant totalling £1.6 per annum.


Learning programmes were delivered by both the Direct Delivery Unit and various Partner organisations who targeted and prioritised vulnerable adults with barriers to learning. The four main strands of delivery during the year were:- (i) Community Learning Framework 2019-2023; (ii) Community Learning Trust Responsiveness Fund; (iii) Wider Family Learning Grants and; (iv) Direct Delivery (Accredited Provision – Adult Skills), with courses being provided through a combination of classroom based, online and hybrid/blended learning.


The Service’s Annual Self-Assessment was based on service-wide data and other evidence including: (i) learner feedback; (ii) information on learner destinations; (iii) course documentation and; (iv) quality monitoring reports. The process involved benchmarking against an internal Quality and Performance Framework together with Ofsted’s Education and Inspection Framework (2019) which defined the criteria for high quality provision and continual improvement and monitoring.


OFSTED had introduced a new Education Inspection Framework in 2019 according to which Staffordshire achieved an overall rating of ‘Good’ for 2021/22. In addition, a full inspection of the service was undertaken between 31 January and 2 February 2023 which had resulted in an Overall Effectiveness score of ‘Good’. However, various areas for improvement had been highlighted including:- ‘(i) Leaders should ensure that where learners already have existing knowledge, skills and experience in their areas of study, tutors encourage these learners to set challenging learning goals so that they can make the progress of which they are capable; (ii) Leaders should ensure that the process for recognising and recording progress and achievement is rigorous across all curriculum areas so that it is always clear as to the progress that learners make; (iii) Leaders should ensure that all learners are routinely supported to develop their English and mathematics skills, enabling them to use these skills to support their wider lives and prepare them well for their next steps; (iv) Leaders should ensure that all improvement actions are clear and precise, supporting rapid improvement in the few areas that require it”.


During the full and wide-ranging discussion which ensued Members gave detailed scrutiny to the work of the Service and results of the annual Self-Assessment and OFSTED inspection, asking questions, seeking clarification and raising issues of concern as necessary, including:- (i) the additional measures needed to increase participation in courses undertaken via digital learning; (ii) the availability of Community Learning for Staffordshire residents from neighbouring Authorities; (iii) opportunities for Staffordshire Residents to further their education, training and skills post contact with the Service; (iv) access to Community Learning by remote communities where transport links to training centres were limited and; (v) the information provided by the Service to people seeking work after completion of courses and links to Job Centre Plus etc.     


In conclusion, Members said they were satisfied with the performance of the Service during the year as highlighted by the Annual Self-Assessment and recent OFSTED report. Focusing on the areas of improvement, they sought an assurance from the Cabinet Member that these could be addressed within a satisfactory timescale. In addition, they requested that he consider maintaining links with those residents who had completed courses with a view to providing any further education required and to help monitor the success of the programme in helping people into work.           


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be received and noted.


(b) That the ‘Good’ performance of the Community Learning Service during 2021/22 be welcomed.


(c) That the Cabinet Member continue his efforts to increase participation rates in Community Learning during 2022/23 especially via digital channels.


(d) That the Cabinet Member consider maintaining links with those residents who had completed Community Learning Courses with a view to providing any additional support necessary and to monitor the success of the Authority’s programme in helping people into work.


(d) That the Cabinet Member consider undertaking communication and publicity campaigns to highlight the work of the Service and its ‘Good’ OFSTED rating, as appropriate.

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