Agenda item

HS2 Impact on Staffordshire - Update

Oral report/presentation of HS2


NB. The Chairman requests that Members confine their debate to matters relating to Education, Skills and Prosperity only.


The Committee received an oral report and PowerPoint presentation (slides attached at Appendix 1 to the signed minutes) by HS2 giving them a six-monthly update on the impact of the development (Phases 1 and 2a) of the new high speed rail line on education, skills and prosperity in Staffordshire.


The meeting was attended by HS2’s:- (i) Senior Community Engagement Manager – Phase 1 (Jonathan Lord) and; (ii) Senior Community Engagement Manager - Phase 2a (Victoria Roberts).


During their presentation, the representatives highlighted:- (i) various project milestones; (ii) the publication of the Independent Commissioners/Construction Commissioners report on 12 December 2022; (iii) Phase 1 Programme of Works over the next twelve months; (iv) indicative timescales for the construction of Phase 2a and the progress made to date; (v) local business engagement; (v) Jobs and Skills: Opportunities for local people; (vi)  promotion of and engagement with education; (vii) Community and Business Funds allocations and; (viii) the construction of an Interchange north of Solihull and the opportunities available for Staffordshire residents.


In the discussion which ensued Members scrutinised and held HS2 and the County Council’s relevant Cabinet Members to account over their efforts to safeguard/enhance prosperity in the County, raising various matters of concern including:- (i) further educational opportunities/support for Apprentices following completion of their training; (ii) disturbance to local villages and communities during the construction phase and how this might be mitigated by scheduling/timing of the works; (iii) sites of archaeological interest along the route and how artefacts were being displayed in the County for the benefit of local residents; (iv) the balance of unallocated budgets in the Community and Business Funds initiatives; (v) routing of lorries to and from sand and gravel extraction sites in the south of the County; (vi) the need for better communication and co-ordination between HS2 and the Highways Authority to ensure disruption to local road users was minimised; (vii) opportunities for schools to engage with HS2 through the National Curriculum and in a wider context and; (viii) promotion of the ‘green agenda’ by HS2 through their letting of contracts for the line.


In response to requests, representatives of HS2 undertook to liaise with the respective Members regarding construction of a power supply unit in East Staffordshire Borough and haul routes to and from Saredon Quarry, South Staffordshire.  


In conclusion, Members welcomed news of HS2’s engagement with local businesses which had seen over £110m spent with them since the start of the project. However, whilst 39 Apprenticeships had been created in Staffordshire so far (out of an estimated national total of 2000 by the end of the project) they looked forward to the letting of contracts for Phase 2a which was expected to increase this number significantly. In addition, they were encouraged by the Phase 1 Contractor’s approach to recruiting local first.


Notwithstanding the above, the Committee were mindful of the potential disruption to Staffordshire’s economy and communities caused by construction of the line and agreed that the matter should kept on their Work Programme for further scrutiny as necessary.


The Chairman then thanked the representatives of HS2 for their attendance and an interesting and informative presentation.


RESOLVED – (a) That the oral report and presentation be received and noted.


(b) That the efforts made to date to maximise the opportunities available to Staffordshire residents from the construction of the high-speed rail line, by HS2 be welcomed.


(c) That a further update be brought to the Committee in July/August 2023.


(d) That the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills continue to be held to account for his efforts to maximise the opportunities available to Staffordshire residents from the construction of the line, where possible.