Agenda item

Quarter 1 Integrated Performance Report

Report of Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Finance.


The Leader of the Council introduced the Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 1 2022/23 which summarised the Councils performance and financial position against the Strategic and Delivery Plans.


The Cabinet Member for Finance detailed the main challenges facing each of the four service areas, notably the situation with the global economy and the impact this had had on Council Budgets; the transformation of Children’s services which had failed to achieve expected savings during the first quarter; the Social Care White Paper; and Inflation and the effect this was having on reserves.  It was also reported that there was a forecast overspend of £14.693m (2.76%).


The main issues discussed by members were:


1.   Adult Social Care White Paper – In its present form, it was felt that the proposals would be very challenging for the Authority with a projected pressure of between £70 and £100 m per annum.  If was reported that there were five ‘trail blazers’ in England looking at new working methods.  These were due to conclude at the end of the year and their findings would be available to all councils for consideration.  Members were reminded that providing certain types and levels of care was a statutory duty  which had to be provided regardless of funding.  Non statutory care may need to be reviewed in the future dependent on financial pressures/guidance.

2.   Outstanding debt – The Levels of outstanding debt of more than 6 months old currently stood at £18.5m, against a target of £14.7.

3.   Skill levels 5 and 6 – it was noted that there had been an improvement in attainment in these levels and it was confirmed that effort was being made to provide an environment where business’s could develop and expand so that there was opportunity to take advantage of the additional skills which would subsequently lead to demand for higher level skills.

4.   Children’s services - Transformation continued but work still needed to be done to embed some of the changes.  Numbers of Children in Care had stabilised but were not decreasing at the expected rate.

5.   SEND Transport – A rise in inflation had led to increase in prices in excess of 50%.   It was reported that the Portfolio holder was looking at in more depth.

6.   Growth hubs – There was some uncertainty around the funding of the hubs activity going forward.  More information would be reported when known.

7.   Highways - A question was asked on the anticipated impact of the £3.046m reduction in Carriageway/other maintenance and if this was a short term saving which would lead to a longer term cost?  It was agreed that information on this reduction and any risks involved would be included in the next performance report.

8.   It was requested that the Cabinet member for Health and Care look at the ‘Workforce Strategy’ and ensure that it included Health partners as it was felt that services were integrated and training issues were the same for employees of all partnering services.  In response, it was explained that Health and Care staff were employed by different organisations with very different terms and conditions.

9.   Maintained schools forecast spend - the new developer contributions of £2.094m remained unallocated and members asked why this was? It was agreed that  information on the underspend would be included in the next performance report.


Resolved: That the Quarter 1 2022/23 Integrated Performance Report be noted subject to the following:

  1. Information on the anticipated impact of the £3.046m reduction in Carriageway/other maintenance, be included in the next performance report.

2.   It was requested that the Cabinet member for Health and Care look at the ‘Workforce Strategy’ and ensure that, where possible, it included Health Partners.

  1. Information on the ‘Maintained schools forecast spend’ and the new developer contributions of £2.094m which remained unallocated, be included in the next performance report.


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