Agenda item

Highways Transformation Programme - Three Strands Progress

Oral report of Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport


The Committee considered an oral report and PowerPoint presentation (slides attached at Appendix 1 to the signed minutes) of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport updated them on progress made with regard to the Highways Transformation Programme – Three Strands Review.


During his presentation and report the Cabinet Member highlighted:- (i) the New Vision and Ambition for the service; (ii) the three key elements of the current review (‘future highways delivery model; transforming our offer now, ready for the future and; Highways Investment Strategy); (iii) details of the preferred Hybrid Operating Model and Hybrid Mixed-Economy Model; (iv) the various measures which had already been implement to transform the current offer; (v) the aims and approach to be adopted in implementing a new investment strategy including details of the Revenue and capital budgets for 2022/23 (£2m and £15.5m respectively; (vi) details of the Winter Workstack 2022/23 and Right First Time initiative totalling £1m and current progress thereon and; (vii) various cartographical representations of highway defects, claims and activity in Staffordshire.


In the full and wide-ranging discussion which ensued Members gave detailed scrutiny to the progress made in the Programme to date, asking questions, seeking clarification and raising areas of concern as necessary, including:- (i) the need for a County-wide traffic and transport management strategy to reduce ‘rat-runs’ and divert heavy goods vehicles from minor roads; (iii) the significant cost of maintaining the County’s highway network and the importance of effective contract management to ensure quality and; (iv) the need for high quality re-statements by statutory undertakers.


In reply, the Cabinet Member acknowledged the concerns of Members stating that perceptions of the existing delivery arrangements were often poor. However, he reassured them that future arrangements would prioritise quality in order to arrest the decline in the condition of the highway network which had occurred in recent years. He went on to urge Members to use the various channels provided to report highways defects and confirmed that the new emphasis on quality had been communicated to the Authority’s existing Highways Strategic Partner. However, the Council’s ability to control operations by statutory undertakers was limited.


With regard to ‘pot-holes’, the Cabinet Member confirmed that new technology had been trialled with a view to improving the speed and effectiveness of repairs and outlined the new approach to communications and ‘Local’ Member involvement.


In conclusion, the Committee agreed that satisfactory progress had been made in the Highways Transformation Programme to date but urged the Cabinet Member to have regard to their comments, particularly in respect of the need to build confidence and improve quality, in his work to implement the future delivery model for the service.


RESOLVED – (i) That the oral report and presentation be received and noted.


(ii) That satisfactory progress had been made in the Highways Transformation Programme to date.


(iii) That the Cabinet Member be urged to have regard to the above-mentioned comments in his work to implement the new future delivery model for Staffordshire Highways.


(iv) That progress in the Highways Transformation Programme Continue to be monitored closely and further update reports be brought the Committee, as necessary.