Agenda item

Integrated Performance Report - Quarter 1, 2022/23

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources






































Creating the right conditions for businesses and our economy to grow and thrive remains a priority for the county council. Supporting businesses to create better quality jobs helps improve people’s financial security, especially at a time when living and energy costs are on the increase.


We continue to do and spend what is necessary to support those who need us most, however, the rising demand and cost of social care for adults and children continues, and we face challenges alongside our residents in dealing with increasing inflationary pressures.


To help with the pressures in health and social care, an extra £19.25 million has been allocated through the Better Care Fund (BCF), to help people remain in their homes and communities for longer. This is on top of the £123 million BCF, which is used by the council and local NHS to help people needing health and social care.


The transformation of our Children’s services continues with areas of improvement, such as multi-agency working and improved processes, however, challenges remain in relation to increasing demand, market availability of children in care placements, workforce capacity and recruitment of social workers. An Ofsted focussed visit in relation to Children in Need and Child Protection was also carried out in quarter 1 which found that interventions are having a positive impact on children’s lives and keeping families together.


The current Warmer Homes scheme has been extended to Quarter 2 and continues to provide significant benefits to residents, especially given the rising price of energy. As of 8th June 2022, 528 households had benefitted. While over 2,300 people had received support from ‘Beat the Cold’.


Despite the pressures facing councils like ours, we will invest to keep growing the county in a sustainable way to make a positive difference in the lives of our residents. We want Staffordshire people to enjoy a better quality of life, in thriving communities, and live longer in good health”.


Alan White, Leader of the Council


“All council departments continue to deliver against their priorities, whilst progressing with activities in the organisation’s delivery plan.


Good progress has been made across the organisation during Quarter 1, however inflationary pressures across the organisation are having a significant impact. In addition, workforce capacity and recruitment, and demand challenges remain, particularly within Health and Care and Families and Communities.


The latest revenue forecast outturn shows an overspend of £14.693m (2.76%). Inflationary pressures are forecast to be in the region of £50-70m in the current and future years and we continue to monitor the situation carefully.


Like many local authorities, we still face financial challenges, but we continue to keep our finances in as strong a position as possible. Well managed finances ensures that we provide good value for money for local tax-payers and means we can continue to invest in our future and growing our economy”.


Ian Parry, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources


Reasons for the Decision – To consider an overview of Staffordshire County Council’s progress, performance and financial position in delivering against its Strategic Plan and Delivery Plan.


Decision – (a) That the report be received.


(b) That the allocation of £6m from the Contingency budget to mitigate the pressures in Children’s Services and the allocation of £5.050m from the inflation reserve to mitigate pressures caused by increasing prices, be approved.


(c) That, further to the investment in Highways agreed in February as part of the MTFS, an additional £1m be allocated to the service on an ongoing basis, to be funded from interest earned.


Supporting documents: