Agenda item

Integrated Performance Report, Quarter 4 2021-22


The Leader of the Council presented the Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 4 2021/22 which summarised the Councils performance and financial position against the Strategic and Delivery Plans. He detailed the main focus of attention for, and challenges facing, each of the 4 service areas and reported a forecast revenue saving of £4.427m, the carry forward of a proportion of which into 2022/23 was under discussion.


The main issues discussed in detail by members were:


1.   Adult Social Care - The allocation of £19.25m additional Government funding to the NHS/Social Care system for 2022/23-2023/24 to reduce delays in hospital discharge, increase Home Care provision and increase Response Team capacity.  Of concern was the non-recurrent nature of that funding and the uncertainty around Government funding for their reform programme due to be introduced in April 2023.  Locally, the County Council was carrying out modelling exercises to assess the cost of those reforms.  Similar exercises were underway nationally, including by the CCA and LGA.


2.   Voluntary Sector resources – whilst acknowledging the strength and commitment of the voluntary sector and community support mechanisms during COVID, members queried action being taken to secure a voluntary sector over the long term that was both robust and diverse.  It was reported that the County Council was working with the sector to develop a Capacity Building Framework, supporting recruitment and training.

Support for young people experiencing Mental Health issues due to isolation etc during the COVID epidemic was an area identified as needing voluntary sector involvement. 

Members were encouraged to use the recently used Community Fund to promote Health and Well being initiatives within their communities.


3.   Highways – The highways transformation project was underway, returning control and flexibility to the County Council. A number of new initiatives were to be piloted including a ‘one visit’ approach to pothole repairs, whereby overall road conditions in the vicinity of a reported pothole would be surveyed with a view to carrying out more lasting repairs over that wider area. Improved performance on addressing Category 3 highways complaints was a key aim.

Additionally, a County wide revision of gully and ditch cleaning programmes was underway which in turn would improve road conditions.


4.   SEND services- Concern was expressed at the reduction in performance for Education and Health Care Plans issued within timescale.  Action was being taken to implement Ofsted reports

following their inspections of the service. Key was the current recruitment programme for qualified staff with the FTE establishment being increased from 28 to 35. Aware of the national funding shortfall for SEND services, the Leader expressed concern that a new White Paper pledged ‘targeted support for every child that needs it'. He called for Government assurances that funding would accompany that pledge.


5.   Supporting refugees from the Ukraine crisis – Working in partnership with other agencies and the voluntary sector, the County Council was committed to a refugee resettlement programme. Compliance with legal and safeguarding responsibilities was the paramount consideration in order to provide the best outcome for refugees.


In general discussion, members requested that future reports detail previous quarters’ performance ratings for comparison purposes.


RESOLVED – That the Quarter 4 2021/22 Integrated Performance Report be noted.

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