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Charities and Trusts Committee

This page lists the meetings for Charities and Trusts Committee.


Information about Charities and Trusts Committee

To exercise those powers and duties held by the County Council in its capacity as a Trustee for Charities and Trusts registered with the Charity Commission and recording the County Council as a Trustee.

Specifically but not exclusively to:

a) Approve annual reports and accounts

b) Approve Charity Commission returns and other regulatory documents

c) Respond to enquiries from auditors and independent examiners

d) To make decisions on the use/disposal of charity property and assets

e) To oversee the management of any Charity and Trust for which the County Council is a Trustee

f) To act as the accountable manager for, and take all necessary administrative decisions on any Charity and Trust for which the County Council is a Trustee

g) To compile and maintain an up to date list of Charities and Trusts for which the County Council is a Trustee

h) To take any other action required to ensure the proper management and administration of Charities and Trusts for which the County Council is a Trustee

i) To report annually to full County Council on decisions made on its behalf.


The Committee shall comprise of five members (Cabinet members shall not be eligible for appointment to this Committee)

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall hold a minimum of two meetings per municipal year.  Additional meetings to be held as and when required.


a) The Director of Finance to make decisions on the management of all Funds held by Charities and Trusts for which the County Council is a Trustee.

b) All members of the Senior Leadership Team to implement decisions made by or on behalf of the County Council in its capacity of Sole Trustee of any Charity or Trust.