Agenda and minutes

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 21st January 2021 10:00am

Venue: Meeting to be conducted using Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Nick Pountney 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

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No declarations were made at the meeting.



Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2020 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 17 November 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Staffordshire COVID-19 Residents Survey - Key Findings pdf icon PDF 723 KB

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The Leader of the Council, provided a report and presentation relating to the Covid-19 Residents Survey. 


It was explained that the survey would inform the Councils recovery and business planning. The survey had closed in September 2020 and received the highest survey response for many years, this was attributed to the organisation and partners efforts in promoting the survey.


The main points arising from the 3,921 responses received from residents in the survey relating to their experience of Covid-19 were outlined:

·       63% negative responses – this was higher for those furloughed and those with a disability or limiting illness. Negative impact included reduced social interaction, not seeing family and friends and impact on wellbeing.

·       12% positive responses - this included 53% of residents saving money; many enjoyed spending time outdoors, spending time with friends and family and 32% explored their local area

·       Behaviour changes - Over 50% of respondents had increased their digital use, 59% had carried out online shopping and 58% used online chat and social interaction.

·       52% of respondents had provided help and support to others and were willing to do so in the future.

·       29% had received support during the pandemic, mainly receiving essential supplies. 80% of support was from family and friends.  The majority receiving support were over 65 year olds and many were shielding.

·       Respondents key concerns in next 3-6 months were about the economy – particularly about business survival, jobs and employment, which were key to recovery.

·       Respondents were concerned about the environment, in particular feeling safe, returning to public spaces and to normal life

·       40% mentioned the economy as the biggest challenge but also an opportunity to develop post lockdown.

·       Communities – respondents were positive about building on community action, a key element of recovery, and to strengthen and empower communities.


The Leader of the Council highlighted the need to respond to the findings outlined in the report. The Committee discussed the survey findings and the following matters and comments were highlighted by members:


  • Pathways into support for people - It was recognised that Covid-19 had affected many different people who would not have otherwise required support.   Different people were emerging from Covid-19 presenting with a range of different needs, particularly around alcohol.
  • Unmet needs - people cannot navigate our systems
  • Survey results had been made available - District information was available and had been shared with District Councils. Across all districts the responses were very similar. Members requested the information be sent ito all councillors across the County.
  • You said we did - Communication with residents included providing responses to individual issues raised and the response about what the Council was putting in place.
  • The Under 35 Action plans age related coming out of this – comprehensive programme of work on economic development and employment to put support in place.
  • How we communicate with different languages and cultures in the area. In terms of the survey tapped into existing mechanisms in communities in place volunteering, alternative translation formats , BAME communities and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Digital Inclusion pdf icon PDF 221 KB

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The Cabinet Member provided a report and action plan relating to the Digital Strategy.


The Cabinet Member highlighted that since March last year a great amount of work had been undertaken to provide digital support internally and externally to communities.  The Council adapted the way it worked and provided services, the need to reshape the digital programme. The action plan appended to the report identifies the breadth and depth of the actions required to make the change and he emphasised the need to continue working with community groups and voluntary partners, as well as considering good practice from other Councils. He thanked officers for the hard work moving at pace to address the issue and indicated the Council was in a good place to take forward the digital inclusion action plan.


Members were informed that there was a Cabinet paper in February relating to the Digital strategy and Digital programme – digital inclusion was a large part of the documents to Cabinet. Members views were welcomed on how we develop this plan and to consider and comment on the work being undertaken to tackle digital exclusion in Staffordshire.


Members raised concerns relating to digital exclusion, highlighting affordability, low income, families access to the internet and school children access to learning on line. Concern that low income families would still have decisions to make on what to spend money on food or internet we need to support families, vulnerable children and disadvantaged residents and members want to ensure that an increase in the digital divide was avoided and to consider the issues of disadvantage exposed by Covid over the last year.  The Cabinet Member acknowledged the concerns raised and indicated that there was a need to work with partners including the Government.  The need for more equipment, including second hand equipment and equipment for schools, and access points were important.  The Council need to re-start work with Citizens on line and good things foundation, there was also work in early stages towards Digital Good neighbours scheme – sharing wiFi.  The voluntary sector were identifying where we can support - Staffs connect, Do it Staffordshire and Community help points.

The need to work with partners, government and schools to address the issue of inequality exposed by Covid-19, IT access being one of them was expressed.  It was  highlighted that good access to internet should be treated as the 4th utility and that pressure should be put upon govt and providers to make sure there are reduced tariffs for those people who are on low income and that every child has access both internet and a device moving forward.

The ongoing work was reported as follows:

·            Support to schools, to offer devices to ensure that all young people have access that schools can address access individually or for families.

·            Support families to access virtual family hubs to access all services required of them.

·            Lobbying larger organisations to lift the cap and limitations to accessing 4G networks.

The following matters were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Scrutiny of the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021-2026 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

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The Committee considered the draft report which provided an overview of the Councils MTFS working group which once agreed would be presented to Cabinet 27th January - the report and recommendations.  An executive response to recommendations will be also be provided.


The Working Group presented a different set of questions this time and external speakers provided support and an external perspective and best practice form other Local authorities as different approaches taken elsewhere.  Positive consensus on the recommendations and a comprehensive document.

They also welcomed further contributions from external witnesses in the future.


1.    The report was agreed.

2.    That the report be referred to Cabinet for consideration



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 280 KB

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RESOLVED: That the Work Programme was agreed.