Agenda and minutes

Annual, County Council - Thursday 17th May 2012 10:00am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Buildings, Stafford. View directions

Contact: Mike Bradbury  Email:


No. Item


Election of Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year

Additional documents:


Mr. M. Maryon proposed, and Mrs. C.G. Heath seconded, and it was:


RESOLVED – That Mr. I.S. Lawson be elected Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year.


Declarations of Interest under Standing Order 16

Additional documents:


The following Member declared an interest in accordance with Standing Order 16.5:-




Minute Number



P.R. Davies



Member of Schools Reorganisation for Burton




Confirmation of the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 March 2012 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2012 be confirmed.



Election of the Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year

Additional documents:


Mr M.J. Winnington moved, and Mr. I.M. Parry seconded, and it was:-


RESOLVED – That Mr. F.A. Chapman be appointed Vice-Chairman of the County Council for the ensuing year.


Chairman's Correspondence

The Chairman will mention a range of recent items of news which may be of interest to Members

Additional documents:


Hear by Right Gold Award


Members were informed that the County Council was the first local authority in the Midlands to receive a national award for giving young people in care the chance to influence the way council services were run. The county council’s Children’s Voice Project, based in Stafford, received the Hear by Right Gold Award at an award ceremony on Friday 16th March. The award recognised the outstanding and innovative work the county council undertook to ensure children who lived in foster care, were cared for by family or friends or in children’s homes were able to say what was important to them and influenced what the council did to help and support them


Members’ Long Service Award


Mr. H. Butter was presented with a Long Service Award in recognition of his 24 years service to the County Council.  Mr Butter was first elected to the County Council in 1988 and had represented the Eccleshall County Electoral Division since that date.



Statement of the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 60 KB

The Leader will inform the Council about his work and his plans for the Council, and will give an overview of decisions taken by the Cabinet (and Portfolio Holders) since the previous meeting of the Council

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council presented a Statement outlining his recent work and an overview of decisions taken by the Cabinet (and Portfolio Holders) since the previous meeting of the Council.  He also informed the Council of the following changes in respect of his Cabinet:


(i) That Mr Ben Adams had been appointed as the Deputy Leader of the County Council in place of Mr Ian Parry.


(ii) That Mr Pat Corfield’s Portfolio had been changed to “Cabinet Member for Culture and Communities.”


Education Support Services Project

(Paragraph 1.2 of the Statement)


In response to questions from Members in relation to the governance arrangements for the Education Support Services Project, Mr Parry indicated that two of the Council’s Select Committees would have responsibility for scrutinising the arrangements and that there would also be update reports to Full Council.


Burton upon Trent Primary School Places Strategy: proposals to create additional school places

(Paragraph 1.3 of the Statement)


Whilst acknowledging that there were issues which would need to be addressed, such as increased traffic in the area, Members welcomed the proposals to provide 1,000 new Primary School places in Burton upon Trent.  Mrs Staples thanked members for their comments and Mr Maryon confirmed that a solution was being sought to the issue of traffic generation around the proposed new schools.


Partnership for Care: Rural Premium to Reflect Additional Costs of Social Care in Rural Areas

(Paragraph 1.4 of the Statement)


In response to a question from Mr Huckfield in relation to the shortage of skilled staff in the domiciliary care sector, Mr Ellis indicated that the County Council was attempting to address this issue through a number of measures including the creation of apprentiships and trying to raise the status of jobs in the sector.  Mr Ellis also stated that the County Council was proposing to publish a “Green Paper” aimed at addressing a range of issues in relation to “care” and raising standards.


Improving Equipment and Adaptations Services

(Paragraph 1.5 of the Statement)


In response to a question from Mrs Downes in relation to proposed changes to the aids and adaptations service, Mr Ellis indicated that the proposals to enter into pooled budget arrangements would result in a more “joined-up” service for those needing support in order to remain in their own homes.  He also accepted an invitation from Mr Francis to meet with the Chairman of Cerebral Palsy Mid Staffs to discuss how the charity and the County Council could work together to improve the lives of those suffering from the disease. 


Staffordshire County Council Tourism Strategy 2012 - 2014

(Paragraph 2.1 of the Statement)


Members welcomed the County Council’s Tourism Strategy 2012 – 2014 which identified the means whereby the visitor economy may be developed, with resultant increases in employment and cultural opportunities.  Mr Philip E Jones also made reference to how initiatives by the County Council, such as “A Taste of Staffordshire”, had a positive impact on the local economy.  Mr Adams thanked Members for their positive  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Questions to be asked by Members of the County Council of the Leader of the Council, a Cabinet Member, or a Chairman of a non-Scrutiny Committee.  The question will be answered by the relevant Member and the Member asking the question may then ask a follow up question which will also be answered

Additional documents:


Mr. R. Clarke asked the following question of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation whose reply is set out below the question:-




Why have Staffordshire County Council wasted millions of pounds on redundancy payouts, and then some of those people being re-employed at a later date?




The recent article regarding redundancy payouts contains a number of factual inaccuracies. Where people were re-employed it was not on a ‘like for like’ basis, with the majority of people returning on a casual contract (ad-hoc employment for a short period of time).


The cost of redundancy payouts are outweighed by the salaries attributed to the posts made redundant, providing a future saving to the authority. The Council actively seeks redeployment in to suitable alternative employment in all cases of compulsory redundancy (during notice period), and where successful redundancy is not paid, leading to a further reduction in total redundancy costs.


Supplementary Question


Your reply talks about “the majority of people”; may I ask how many people were made redundant, too early, whose jobs then had to be covered at a later date?




I do not have the precise details to hand and will therefore respond to Mr Clarke in writing after the meeting.


Mr. P.R. Davies asked the following question of the Leader of the County Council whose reply is set out below the question:-




I am sure that Council will join me in congratulating Her Majesty the Queen on celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. Our Council, to mark the Jubilee, will be presenting both a national Union flag and a Staffordshire County flag to all Staffordshire schools.


I would like to ask the Leader of the Council what the cost of this initiative to the Council Tax payers of Staffordshire will be in these austere times, from which budget will it come and will the flags be manufactured in Britain




The Diamond Jubilee celebrations in June are at the start of what promises to be a momentous summer. We want to make sure that everyone in Staffordshire can join in the festivities as we pay tribute to The Queen’s extraordinary reign before enjoying the Olympic and Paralympic Games.


To mark this unique occasion and help our schools with their Diamond Jubilee celebrations, the County Council and Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire, Mr Ian J Dudson CBE, are providing a Union flag and a Staffordshire County flag to all schools.


The flags have been supplied via a local company, Midland Flags of Stoke-on-Trent, at a total cost of £1,932. The flags themselves are made in Taiwan. We made every effort to source a British manufacturer but the flags would have cost significantly more. However, I am pleased we are sourcing them from a local supplier. They are being paid for out of an existing budget held by the communications and marketing team to support such positive initiatives.


As well as having the flags for their Diamond Jubilee celebrations, schools will be able to use them in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Proposed Changes to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Report of the Director of Law and Democracy

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Director of law and Democracy recommending changes to the County Council’s Constitution in the light of the following matters:


·        Under the Localism Act 2011 the national Standards regime had been abolished and replaced with the requirement for a local members code of conduct and revised processes and procedures associated with that code.


·        The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 reformed national policing decision making arrangements, introducing Police and Crime Panels to scrutinise and support the elected Police and Crime Commissioners.


·        The ongoing review of Scrutiny Committee structures in the context of the County Councils new ways of working and focus on localism has led to the proposed establishment of five Select Committees and four Local member focus events.


RESOLVED – That the following amendments to the relevant sections of the Constitution be approved:-


(i) A Local Members’ Code of Conduct and associated actions relating to the merger of the Audit and Standards Committees, Arrangements for consideration of alleged breaches of the Code including additional delegations to the Director of Law and Democracy and the proposals in respect of two Independent Persons.


(ii) The establishment of the Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel as a Joint Committee, with Staffordshire County Council as the Host Authority .


(iii) The replacement of Scrutiny Committees with five Select Committees and the introduction of four Local Member Focus Events.


Committee Membership

To consider the appointment of members to Committees on the nomination of Group Leaders (to be circulated at the meeting)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the members indicated below serve on the Committees indicated for the period up to the annual Council meeting in 2013:-


Corporate Review Committee

Paul Atkins

Lee Bates

John Bernard

Len Bloomer

John Cooper

Derek Davis

Philip E Jones

Geoff Locke

Geoff Morrison

Jeremy Oates

Kath Perry

Alan White

Mike Worthington



Assets and Budget Select Committee

Frank Chapman

Tim Corbett

Derek Davis

Gill Heath

Philip E Jones

Mary Maxfield

Neal Podmore

Stephen Sweeney

Alan White



Prosperity, Skills and Education Select Committee

Ron Clarke

John Cooper

Bill Day

Janet Eagland

Brian Edwards

Bob Fraser

Ian Lawson

Frank Lewis

Geoff Martin

David Nixon

Jeremy Oates



Safeguarding and Public Protection Select Committee

Dylis Cornes

Veronica Downes

Janet Eagland

Terry Finn

John Francis

Bob Fraser

Derrick Huckfield

Geoff Morrison

John Rowley

Simon Tagg

Mike Worthington



Health and Community Wellbeing Select Committee

Erica Bayliss

Dylis Cornes

Gill Heath

Ivan Jennings

Geoff Martin

Kathy Lamb

Mick Oates

Kath Perry


Planning Committee

Erica Bayliss

David Billson

Henry Butter

John Cooper

Tim Corbett

Peter Davies

Ray Easton

Brian Edwards

Mark Heenan

Ian Lawson

Geoff Martin

David Nixon

Stephen Tranter

John Wells


Pensions Committee

Ben Adams

Philip Atkins

Ray Barron

Brian Beale

Pat Corfield

Christina Jebb

Mike Lawrence

Mike Maryon

Stephen Sweeney



Audit and Standards Committee

John Bernard

Henry Butter

Frank Chapman

Peter Davies

Ray Easton

Brian Edwards

Philip E Jones

Frank Lewis

Geoff Locke

Robert Reade

Rex Roberts

John Rowley

Alan White



Joint Appointments Committee Re: Staffordshire Police Authority

Philip Atkins

Christina Jebb

Ian Parry

Mike Winnington


Corporate Parenting Panel

Erica Bayliss

Brian Beale

David Billson

Ron Clarke

John Cooper

Peter Davies

Bill Day

Veronica Downes

Terry Finn

Ivan Jennings

Phil Jones

Mike Lawrence

Geoff Morrison

Liz Staples

North West Local Member Focus Event

Ray Barron

Len Bloomer

Henry Butter

Frank Chapman

John Cooper

Dlyis Cornes

John Francis

Mark Heenan

Derrick Huckfield

Ivan Jennings

Phillip E Jones

Geoffrey Locke

Mary Maxfield

David Nixon

Ian Parry

Stephen Sweeney

Simon Tagg

Mark Winnington


North East Local Member Focus Event

Philip Atkins

Ron Clarke

Tim Corbett

Peter Davies

William Day

Bob Fraser

Gill Heath

Christina Jebb

Kathy Lamb

Ian Lawson

Mike Maryon

Geoff Morrison

Neal Podmore

Liz Staples

Mike Worthington



South West Local Member Focus Event

John Bernard

David Billson

Pat Corfield

Derek Davis

Veronica Downes

Ray Easton

Brian Edwards

Phil Jones

Mike Lawrence

Robbie Marshall

Geoffrey Martin

Kath Perry

Robert Reade

Rex Roberts

John Rowley



South East Local Member Focus Event

Ben Adams

Paul Atkins

Lee Bates

Erica Bayliss

Brain Beale

Janet Eagland

Matthew Ellis

Terry Finn

Frank Lewis

Jeremy Oates

Michael Oates

Steve Tranter

John Wells

Alan White



Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees

To consider the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees (to be circulated at the meeting)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the under-mentioned be appointed as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committees stated for the period up to the annual Council meeting in 2013:-


Corporate Review Committee





Alan White


Paul Atkins



Assets and Budget Select Committee





Philip E Jones


Neal Podmore



Prosperity, Skills and Education Select Committee





Jeremy Oates


Geoff Martin



Safeguarding and Public Protection Select Committee





Mike Worthington


John Francis



Health and Community Wellbeing Select Committee





Kath Perry


Mick Oates



Planning Committee





Tim Corbett


Stephen Tranter



Pensions Committee





Stephen Sweeney


Brian Beale



Audit and Standards Committee





Brian Edwards


Frank Lewis



North West Local Member Focus Event





John Cooper



North East Local Member Focus Event





Geoff Morrison



South West Local Member Focus Event





John Bernard



South East Local Member Focus Event





Lee Bates



Report of the Chairman of the Staffordshire Police Authority pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved – That the periodic report of the Staffordshire Police Authority be received.


Report of the Chairman of the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the Periodic Report of the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority be received.