Agenda and minutes

Property Sub-Committee - Wednesday 3rd June 2020 12:00pm

Venue: Meeting to be conducted using Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Julie Plant  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


Attending as Observers, both Mrs Burnett and Mr Tagg declared a personal interest in the item on Kidsgrove Leisure Centre in view of their links to the Project to re-open the Centre.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 May 2020 pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2020 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Exclusion of the Public

The Chairman to move:


‘That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 indicated below’

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business which involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as  defined in the paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Kidsgrove Leisure Centre (exemption paragraph 3)


The Sub-Committee had previously approved the transfer of theCounty Council’s freehold interest in the Kidsgrove Leisure Centre to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, for a nominal sum together with a contribution equivalent to the estimated demolition costs of the current end of life building (£363,000), subject to Terms relating to the future use of the Centre and timescales within which such use would commence.(7/11/18 – Clause 85).


An update was submitted on the progress of negotiations with Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, their longer term development proposals for the Centre and the costs being incurred by the County Council pending the transfer of the site. The County Councils proposed responses to the Borough Council’s submission were detailed and discussion centred on the proposal that the County Council clawback the costs being incurred in securing and maintaining the site whilst negotiations continued.


As the Local Member for the area, Mr Robinson attended the meeting and submitted oral and written representations supporting the County Councils position  with the exception of proposals to claw back from the Borough Council the securing and maintenance costs being incurred during the extended negotiation period.  Mr Robinson argued that the proposed clawback would have a significant financial impact on the Community Interest Group and would be contrary to the spirit of joint working between the two Councils.


Attending as an Observer and invited to speak in his role of Leader of Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council, Mr Tagg gave an update on his Authority’s position with regard to the transfer of the Centre from the County Council, indicating that Capital Programme funding for its development had been set aside and that the 5 October 2020 proposed final date for handover could be met by his Council.


Attending as a Observer and invited to speak as a representative for the Kidsgrove area, Mrs Burnett urged the Sub-Committee to avoid clawing back the costs of securing and maintaining the site.




(i)           That the deadline for the transfer of the freehold interest in Kidsgrove Leisure Centre to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council be extended to 5 October 2020; and

(ii)          That with regard to the ongoing security and maintenance costs for the site, 50% of the costs incurred from 1 April 2020 be deducted from the payment to be made to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council towards the demolition costs; such deduction to continue until completion of the transfer of the freehold interest.

(iii)        That in relation to the amended Terms as proposed by the Borough Council, the County Councils stance be as indicated in the report now submitted.


Stafford Borough Council Civic Centre, Stafford - Proposed Lease of Part of Second Floor (exemption paragraph 3)


The Sub-Committee considered proposals to enter into a formal lease for the use of part of the second floor of Stafford Borough Council’s Civic Centre as accommodation for a Public Health Clinic.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to the entering into of a Lease on the Terms indicated in the report now submitted.


Greenwood House Health Centre, Burntwood - Section 2 Agreement (exemption paragraph 3)


Subsequent to the Sub-Committee’s previous decision (4/3/20 – Clause 237) to enter into a Section2 Agreement with NHS England for the development of a Health Centre and Pharmacy on the site of Greenwood House, Burntwood, members considered an update report on the detailed Terms of the Agreement.


Particular reference was made to the proposed extension of the permitted development period in order to cater for the previously unseen possibility of delays being caused due to the COVID 19 Pandemic.  Members were also reminded of the proposal to limit the Contingency provision in the costings to 10% and the possible implications thereof for the County Council.


As Local Members for areas whose residents would be served by the development, Mrs Fisher and Mrs Woodward had submitted representations supporting the recommendations.




(i)           That approval be given to  the Council entering into a Section 2 Agreement with NHS England (NHSE); accepting £5,698,226.00 (inclusive of VAT) (‘the NHSE Funding) in return for the Council constructing a new health centre, on Staffordshire County Council owned land  in return for a 60-year peppercorn rent arrangement.


(ii)          That the additional Terms as agreed since the Sub-Committee’s original decision, particularly regarding COVID 19, be noted;


(iii)        That the agreement to the fixed 10% contingency level (included as part of the NHSE Funding) and the acceptance of the potential implications for the County Council be re-confirmed.