Issue - meetings

Agreement for Mental Health Act (Section 117) Aftercare needs

Meeting: 16/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 128)

128 Agreement for Mental Health Act (Section 117) Aftercare needs pdf icon PDF 263 KB

Cabinet Member for Health and Care

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“Good, timely care after leaving hospital is an essential part of successful rehabilitation so that people can develop the necessary skills to live independently.


This new funding arrangement continues services at less cost to the Council, without in any way reducing the quality of care provided to those who need it.”


Julia Jessel, Cabinet Member for Health and Care


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the proposed agreement between Staffordshire County Council and Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Groups for meeting and funding Mental Health Act (Section 117) Aftercare needs.


Decision (a) That the Council enter into an agreement with Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Groups under Section 256 of the Health and Care Act 2006 related to a new funding arrangement for provision of aftercare services provided under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983.


(b) That a transitional funding agreement be negotiated for the period 2022-24 in order to ensure that this new funding arrangement is affordable for the Clinical Commissioning Groups.


(c) That the Director of Health and Care and County Treasurer be authorised to finalise the details of this funding agreement.