Decision details

Impact of COVID-19 on SCC Communities, Economy and Organisation and Recovery Progress - Update October 2021 and Way Forward

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The impact of COVID-19 on Staffordshire since October 2020, the SCC Recovery approach and progress, and the way forward for SCC to Living with COVID


“Since the easing of restrictions, it has been fantastic to see our schools, our businesses and our hospitality and our leisure sectors once again fully reopening their doors.


While Covid and its legacy will be with us for some time. we must look forward to rebuilding our economy, ensuring that our children get the schooling they need and that people can once again aspire to happy, healthier and rewarding lives.


As a county council, we remain at the forefront of managing Covid and also managing the impact it has had own our services and the communities we serve.


The pandemic has shown Staffordshire’s strengths: Our resilience, our determination and our compassions. It is also opened up new ways of smarter working which will be invaluable as we go forward with our lives”.


Alan White, Leader of the Council


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the high-level priorities which have been identified for recovery from the impact of Covid-19 across the County Council and the continued progress against these; together with the on-going approach to the leadership, influencing and monitoring of the recovery process moving forwards.


Decision – (a) That the impact of Covid-19 on Staffordshire since October 2020 be noted.


(b) That the progress being made towards resetting the Corporate Strategy be noted.


(c) That the progress made towards delivering the high-level priorities and plans from each recovery area be noted.


(d) That the County Council’s approach to the leadership, influencing and monitoring of the Recovery process moving forward, be endorsed.

Report author: Janene Cox OBE

Publication date: 21/10/2021

Date of decision: 20/10/2021

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 27/10/2021

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