Decision details

Highways and Transport Capital Programme 2021/22

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval of the 2021/22 Highways and Transport Capital (maintenance and improvements) work programme.



“Staffordshire’s huge road network is vital for keeping our county connected and its residents and businesses on the move.


This year we are investing £69 million in a range of major projects, vital local improvements and general road maintenance, but we recognise that there is always more to be done and we continue to lobby central Government for the money necessary to keep Staffordshire’s roads in the condition we expect.”


David Williams, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport


Reasons for the Decision – To consider the proposed 2021/22 Highways and Transport capital investment programme.


Decision – (a) That the Highways and Transport capital investment proposal, as set out in the report and the supporting appendices, be approved.


(b) That the Project Team monitors progress of the Programme and any significant in- year alterations be approved by the Assistant Director for Highways and the Built County in agreement with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation.


(c) That the additional county council highways investment be extended initially for one more year by £5m, to be funded by earmarking the balance of the £3.6m contingency and £1.4m of usable capital receipts, and that this investment be reviewed as part of the review of the Strategic Plan and MTFS in the summer of 2021. (The majority of this is used to support Minor Capital Maintenance £4.6m, with any balance being used on structural maintenance schemes).


(d) That the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan be updated and future investment options for the local road network be considered further by Cabinet as part of the budget cycle for 2022/23.

Report author: Dale Arthur

Publication date: 18/03/2021

Date of decision: 17/03/2021

Decided at meeting: 17/03/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/03/2021

Accompanying Documents: